Top 12 places on my Travel Bucket List
5:44 PMSo today I thought i would do something a bit different. I, being the crazy lover of beautiful places, would love to go anywhere on this list. If only travel was possible with only 13 cents..... *sigh*
anyways, here is the top 12 on my travel bucket list.
1. New York City
I would absolutely die of excitement if i got to go to New York City at Christmastime. I believe that is my
ultimate goal for these next few years. TAKE ME THERE PLEASE I WILL LOVE YOU FOREVER.
2. Scotland
Seeing as this is the place where my family comes from, I have a strangely strong desire to go there. I would love to take like a month long trip overseas and go to Scotland and other places mentioned in this post.
3. New Zealand
I really have no idea why I want to go here, but I do. I'M WEIRD LIKE THAT OKAY
4. Mall of America, Bloomington Minnesota
Something about a gigantic shopping mall with hundreds of stores and a very large food court is very appealing to me. Maybe its cause I love to shop. I really don't know. And it would be a cool photo shoot.
5. NCAA Hall of Champions, Indianapolis, Indiana
I used to live very close to this place, and up until three hours ago I had no idea it existed. BUT NOW THAT I KNOW I MUST GO!! I love researching people who used to play on the college sports teams that are so famous now, and I really would love to see the history this place has to offer.
6. Los Angeles, California
I want to go here just so I can say I went to Los Angeles.
7. Boston, Massachusetts
Again I say, I just want to go here to say I've been. I really don't know if that's a good or bad thing.... LOL
8. Nashville, Tennessee
I live quite close to Tennessee, yet I have never really BEEN there. We have driven through, but never like stopped and visited. I would love to see the Country Music Hall of Fame, and walk down the streets where the famous music stars have walked. It just seems like a really cool, historical place.
9. New Orleans, Louisiana
Again, one of those cool historical places I want to visit. A lot of my family on my dad's side lives in Shreveport, so I want to go to Louisiana in general to visit them and to see the sights.
10. San Francisco, California
TBH the want to go here was induced by an unhealthy obsession with Full House.
11. Las Vegas, Nevada
I WANT TO GO HERE STRICTLY TO SEE THE SIGHTS AND ALL THE DISPLAYS. And learn how NOT to dress..... if ya know what i mean.... :)))
12. Route 66
Now this would be a freaking amazing thing to see. I want to go on a road trip and drive on Route 66 at least once in my life. Just sayin.
So that is DEFINITELY not all the places that i want to see/experience, but I'll eventually post more. I hope you enjoyed this, and I want to hear what your travel bucket list is!! Leave a comment down below saying where you would love to satisfy your travelers heart at. Adios for now!!
~Thank you for commenting, God bless!~